CM1.25 Certification Masters


The CM1.25 Certification Master is used to check and certify the accuracy of the TruPosition Probe. If you have a calibration system and want to maintain files on your TruPosition Probes, then the CM1.25 Certification Master is the best and quickest way to check calibration.


The TruPosition Probe must:

  1. be set to zero using the Zero Master.
  2. be inserted into the Certification Master.
  3. be rotated in the Master until the “A” axis reads “0.00.” the “B” axis should read “1.00 +/-.01mm
  4. be rotated in the Master until the “B” axis reads “0.00.” the “A” axis should read “1.00 +/-.01mm

Shipped with CM1.25

NIST traceable certification documents.

Note: Readings are to be taken at all four quadrants( +A, -A, +B, and –B).

The CM1.25 Certification Master checks TruPosition Probes with 1.25” dia shafts.

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